Monday, September 3, 2012

First day of preschool fashion

As a former teacher, I know that first impressions matter. Yes, it was a high school classroom but we all want our kids to stand out in a good way on their first day of school. I think this matters even for our little ones.

It's important to honor the work teachers have done to prepare. Having your kids look as if some effort went into their appearance helps meet this goal. It also gives significance and respect to the first day of school. This does not require a large amount of money. Really, it only requires combed hair, faces that have been wiped clean after breakfast, and clothes that are slightly more dressy than a regular day.

You can handle the hair and faces, but I have ideas for the clothing (and on a budget)!

For a boy
It's all about the collared shirt. It will be warm here this week, so my son will be wearing smart-looking plaid shorts with it.
The outfit above is from Gymboree. It's from a summer 2011 line. I bought it at the end of the season, with coupons, so each piece cost less than $8.

For a girl
It's a little trickier. My daughter potty trained not that long ago, so I need to make sure she can get in and out of her clothing on her own. I think a cute skort does that and serves the same function as the collared shirt for a boy. An embellished tee completes the look.
Both pieces above are also from Gymboree. Again, I'm all about the bargain especially for quality clothes. The tee is from spring 2012 and the skort is actually a hand-me-down! So, total, this cost about $10.

Happy Back To School! Hope you and your kids have a great first day.

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