Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about Parenting in Pdx? The answer may be below.

What is Parenting in Pdx?
We are a series of discussion groups focusing on parenting. Small groups meet on a regular basis to discuss everyday dilemmas brought by the group members, read relevant articles, and develop a support system. We work through dilemmas and texts using structured protocols. This structure helps our groups to learn as much as possible and improve our parenting. Jessica Baker is the facilitator of the groups. She ensures that group meetings are productive and fun.

What is the time commitment?
Jessica can facilitate group meetings on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Groups will meet once or twice a month for 1 1/2 to 2 hours during the 3's/pre-3's classes at A Child's Way. Frequency of meetings per month will depend on the interest of group members. Jessica is open to evening/weekend meetings if there is enough desire. Groups will meet September through May.

What do I need to do at the meetings?
You just need to be an engaged participant. This means you will thoughtfully listen to dilemmas presented, follow the protocol to provide feedback, and treat group members with respect. If an article is being presented, if possible, read it ahead of time. Be willing to share your parenting practice with your group members. Finally, we ask that you keep information from meetings confidential. This helps each of us feel comfortable sharing.

UPDATED What is the cost?
Jessica is facilitating the groups for free for the Fall 2012 session. The membership fee will be $45 for the Winter-Spring 2013 session. 

I have a younger child who is not yet in school. Can I bring him or her to the group meetings?
This is a tough question. One of the purposes of the meetings is to have the chance to discuss our parenting without the frequent interruptions in our daily lives. It is also for you to have the chance to focus on a topic without distraction. Finally, we want to ensure that what we share remains confidential. Can you fulfill those goals with a child with you? We invite you to give it a try depending on your situation.

Why aren't there going to be meetings in the afternoons during the other 3's classes?
Jessica's youngest child attends A Child's Way in the mornings. As a stay-at-home parent, she does not want to find child-care for afternoon meetings. She plans to expand to afternoon offerings once her youngest is in school. Thank you for your understanding.

What is Jessica's background that qualifies her to do this work?
Jessica is a former high school teacher. She participated in and ran similar groups in her building for teachers focused on education for seven years. She attended two training sessions to become qualified to facilitate these meetings. She is passionate about this approach and believes she can successfully adapt it to a parenting setting.

Where did Jessica get this idea?
The protocols Jessica will use are adapted from the NSRF's set of protocols used in educational Critical Friends Groups. Jessica thought that the protocols and the ideas used by those groups would apply well to parenting.

How do I join?
Just contact Jessica at bakerville@comcast.net. She will add you to the list of people interested in joining and place you in a group.

I have a friend interested but her kids don't attend A Child's Way. Can she join?
Jessica would love to reach as many parents as possible. Space permitting, non-Child's Way parents are welcome to join.

Why would I want to use my free time to talk about parenting? I just want a break.
Isn't having the chance to think, read, talk, develop relationships, get help and help others a break from your everyday routine? Seriously though, it's only a couple of hours a month. Why not give it a try? It might make all the other hours you spend parenting a little easier.

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