The purpose of this protocol is to clarify and deepen our thinking about a text.
The group needs a timekeeper/facilitator who keeps the process moving. The protocol is designed to build on each other’s thinking, not to enter into a
dialogue. Timing is important; each
round should last approximately 7 minutes.
Time: approximately 30 minutes.
Create a group of 3-4 participants.
Choose a timekeeper who has a watch.
2. Each participant silently identifies what
s/he considers to be the most significant idea addressed in the article.
3. When the group is ready, a volunteer member
identifies the point in the article that s/he found to be most significant and
reads it out loud to the group. The
first person says nothing about why s/he chose that particular point.
4. The other 3 participants each have 1 minute
to respond to that idea.
5. The first participant then has 3 minutes to
state why s/he chose that point and to respond to his/her colleagues based on
what s/he heard.
6. The same pattern is followed until all
members of the group have had a chance to have “the last word.”
7. Debrief the experience. Was this a useful way to explore the ideas in
the text and to explore your own thinking?
If so, why? If not, why not?
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