What do I do all day? Seriously, I wake up and feel like things are pretty much the same when I fall into bed. Yet I feel very busy. all. day.
Thought I'd try to document it! Here we go:
4:45 am: Wake up. Not on purpose. Couldn't sleep. Lie in bed restless.
6:30 am: Get up, check email, facebook, twitter, blogs
6:45 am: House is still asleep (which is really abnormal--for the kids). Decide to start getting ready.
7:15 am: Kids wake up.
7:25 am: Head downstairs. Unload dish drainer. Make breakfasts. Argue over just how incorrect my preparation really was (my son asked for strawberry cream cheese then changed his mind after the toast was made). Sit and eat with the kids while scanning the paper and having the Today show on the background.
7:55 am: Convince kids to try to go potty again. Get my son dressed.
8:10 am: Negotiate which show to let the kids watch, but only a half show today because we're tight on time. Decide on second half of WordWorld. While show is on, get dishes done, start one load of kids laundry, get backpack packed, make modifications to shopping list, clean table and counters. Quick facebook and twitter check. Recharge my dead iPod. Vacuum office rug.
8:40 am: Potty attempt again for the kids. Get shoes and coats on.
8:45 am: Leave to drop son off at school. Return library books on the way.
9:00 am: Arrive at school.
9:10 am: Depart school. Head to the grocery store. Do weekly grocery trip with my daughter who amazingly didn't need a potty break partway through the trip.
10 am: Back home. Unpack groceries. Start second load of laundry.
10:10 am: Show my daughter Fresh Beat Band so I can clean the bathrooms.
10:35 am: Start writing this post while her show finishes up.
10:40 am: Return to kitchen. Realize the food wasn't quite all put away yet. FINALLY SOME DOWN TIME (= snack for my daughter and me, starting to plan summer camps for the kids).
11 am: Facebook and twitter check.
11:10 am: Potty break for daughter. Leave to pick up son from school.
11:45 am: Return from school. Unpack car. Make lunches. Let dog out. Potty breaks for kids.
noon: I sit down to eat.
12:07 pm: Get up to fold laundry, help with the potty, clean up lunches, take some pictures
12:35 pm: Start nap routine for my daughter (read books, convince her to go to bed)
12:50 pm: Read my son some books
1 pm: Give son medicine, get set up for our quiet time (put out art supplies, find a place to read my book)
1:35 pm: Conclude quiet time with some talk-time with my son
1:40 pm: Start Blue's Clues for my son. Catch up on facebook, twitter, email. Do my Portland State University work.
2:10 pm: Update this post. Check laundry. Start second Blue's Clues. Get swim bag ready for my son's swimming lessons. Text some friends. Eat a snack. Watch some of Finding Your Roots.
2:40 pm: Son's show ends. Continue prepping for swim class. Give him a snack. Watch a little more of my show with him.
3:10 pm: Wake my daughter. Kids go potty, get shoes on, leave for swim.
4:25 pm: Exit swim. Play on playground. Leave swim center.
5:00 pm: Arrive home. Go through mail. Wash out swim clothes. Daughter falls--ice her head.
5:15 pm: Husband home. Update this post. Quick facebook and twitter check.
5:25 pm: Get ready for symphony and dinner with my dad.
5:40 pm: Leave home to meet my dad.
6:00 pm: Dinner
8:00 pm: Symphony
10:30 pm: Home
10:45 pm: Good night